醫療就診 On-campus Outpatients Services
醫療就診 On-campus Outpatients Services
醫師診察時間表 Outpatient Schedule
* 本學期設有家醫科、一般內科及一般外科醫師駐校看診,若有其他醫療需求仍可前來就診,醫師將視情況給予適當建議或轉介服務。
The doctors of this semester are family medicine and general medicine doctors, if you have other medical needs, you can still come, and the doctor may give you advice or referral to other medical facility according to your situation.
Who can use the service? What should I bring? How much does it cost?
Recipient: CYCU students, employees and employee’s family members.
Identity documents: 1.Students: Student ID 2.Employees and the family members: Staff ID, or notify employees’ name.
費 用:就醫看診免費。
Cost: Free.
What should I do when I feel sick during non-working hours?
Non-urgent situations – There is Observation Room for clients with only mild symptoms.
Urgent situations – May referral you to other medical facilities.
Here are the medical facilities nearby CYCU below
* 學生請考試假時,請持公立醫院或教學醫院診斷書
Students who need to take a “exam leave”, please apply the diagnosis certificates from “public hospitals” or “teaching hospitals”.
Since we are a non-profit registered medical unit, so we do not provide diagnosis certificates.
* 若有其他關於就診問題,請洽承辦人 陳筠香小姐 分機2163
Other inquiries please contact the case officer – RN. Chen (Ext. 2163).