菸害防制 Tobacco Control & Cessation

菸害防制 Tobacco Control & Cessation

本校創校即為 「無菸校園」


Our school has built a “Tobacco-free Campus” since our establishment for more than 60 years, and this traditional regulation has well supported by all our school members at the whole time. In order to maintain the safety and health of our members, the ethos of the school shall be continued and maintained with all efforts strictly.

有關電子煙 The information you should know about the electronic cigarette.

Q:電子煙可以幫助戒煙嗎? Can electronic cigarette help smoking cessation?


        No. If you want to quit smoking, please search for effective smoking cessation medical service by medical institutions, or call the toll-free smoking cessation hotline 0800-63-63-63. You can also join the  smoking cessation workshop which is held by our school .



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