Indigenous Student Resource Center


In order to manifest the spirit of the founding of Chung Yuan Christian University, which is “based on Christian love for the world, with faith, hope and love, dedicated to higher education, aiming at the pursuit of true knowledge and action, in order to pass on the culture and serve humanity”, the university has integrated internal and external resources to develop the multicultural characteristics of the campus, respecting multiculturalism and taking care of minority groups, implementing services for indigenous students and becoming a base for the promotion of indigenous culture. This includes strengthening academic counselling to enhance professional competence and academic achievement, establishing a counselling network to care for life adaptation and career development, enabling indigenous students to integrate and develop their potential and learn in a respectful atmosphere, and promoting indigenous culture through activities and courses

Division Director

Wen-Hui Chang

Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies

Office | ReCheng Dormitory AR01
Tel | +886-3-2656010
Fax| +886-3-2656019

Administrative work
Comprehensively managing the business  of the Indigenous Students Resource Center


Chien-Wen Lin ( Panay)

Office | ReCheng Dormitory AR01
Tel | +886-3-2656013
Fax| +886-3-2656019

Administrative work
‧Assigning and processing official documents
‧ Assisting students who withdraw from their
     studies, and leave of absense
‧Gathering indigenous students statistics


Yu-Yin Lin  ( Panay)

Office | ReCheng Dormitory AR01
Tel | +886-3-2656018
Fax| +886-3-2656019

Administrative work
‧ Hold different kinds of indigenous
     culture activities

‧Indigenous students counselling and care
‧Managing ISRC website and fan page




Yai-i Lin (Tayto)

Office |  ReCheng Dormitory AR01

Tel | +886-3-2656015
Fax| +886-3-2656019

Administrative work
‧ Hold different kinds of indigenous culture   
‧Indigenous students counselling and care
Assisting Higher Education SPROUT Project


Indigenous Youth Society

Hello everyone ,we are hte indigenous Youth Society of Chung Yuan Christian University. Are you excited to learn about our scociety? Come and explore the rich culture and delicious cuisine of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples withe us. We have lots of fun and tasty activities waiting for you!
There are no restrictions on race or ethnicity. As long as you have a curious and passionate heart for all the ethnic groups in Taiwan, you are welcome to join us!
To know more about our activities, follow us on Instagram for the latest updates! We have special events like wine brewing, member meetings, handcraft weaving, and many more. Come and join us to experience the charm of indigenous culture!

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