開放時間與服務項目 Office Hours and Service Items

開放時間與服務項目 Office Hours and Service Items









Health Services Division Office Hours

開放時間:(週一~週五) 08:30~ 17:00(中午不休息)

Office Hours: Monday – Friday /08:30 a.m.- 05:00 p.m./(No afternoon breaks)

醫師看診時間:(週一~週五) 14:00 ~ 16:30

Outpatients Services: Monday – Friday /02:00 p.m.- 04:30 p.m./

寒、暑假期間 或 有其他異動 將另行公告,不便之處敬請見諒。

Others: School vacations and other exceptions will be announced in our bulletins. Sorry for the inconvenience.



During the pandemic period, please follow the rules of wash hands frequently, wear a mask in confined spaces,

staying social distancing, and implement relevant prevention strategies, to maintain our community safety.


服務地點:全人教育村北棟1樓     服務專線:03-2652161

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