學生平安保險與教育部急難慰問金 Student Group Insurance and Emergency aid grants

學生平安保險與教育部急難慰問金 Student Group Insurance and Emergency aid grants

*109-110學年度學生團體保險承保公司:三商美邦人壽 (事故發生日:109.8.1~111.7.31)*

*111-114學年度學生團體保險承保公司:富邦人壽 (事故發生日:111.8.1~115.7.31)*

富邦人壽保險專員駐校服務時間:每週二、四,下午2:00-4:00 (寒暑假暫停)

In-school Mercuries Life Insurance Agent service hour: Tuesday & Thursday, 02:00pm-04:00pm



Student Group Insurance


What kind of qualifications are needed to apply for student group insurance?


Students of our school who have paid the insurance premium are eligible for application.


Under what circumstances can apply for Student Group Insurance?

 A:因疾病住院治療或身故。Hospitalization or death due to illness.


Those who have suffered accidental injury resulting in death, disability, hospitalization or outpatient treatment.


Accidental accidents refer to unexpected accidents not caused by disease.


What documents are required?


Please bring with the following documents to the Health Services Division (1F, Holistic Education Village) to fill out the

application form.

1.  醫療診斷證明書正本或副本(影本需蓋醫院的章)。

Original medical diagnosis certificate (photocopy needs to be stamped by the hospital).

2.  醫療收據或副本(影本需蓋醫院的章)。

Original medical receipt (photocopy needs to be stamped by the hospital).

3.  骨折需檢附X光片。X-ray film are required for fractures.

4.  存摺封面影本。A copy of the cover book of the passbook.

5. 學生證正反面影本(加蓋註冊章)/在學證明。A copy of the student ID card or Certificate of Enrollment.

注意:未滿18歲之學生,理賠申請書須有法定代理人簽名 (Student under the age of 18 must have the signature of parent.)


Emergency aid grants by Education Property Foundation of Ministry of Education


What is ‘Emergency aid grants by Education Property Foundation of Ministry of Education’?




The Ministry of Education uses the Education Property Foundation to offer condolences to students in emergency situations. (Exclude those studying in the master’s and doctoral classes of colleges and universities, or students over the age of 25.)


Under what circumstances can apply for the “Emergency aid grants by Education Property Foundation of Ministry of

Education “?



Can apply if one of the following conditions is met, but will not be approved if the total income in the latest year exceeds NTD$1 million, or the real estate value exceeds NTD$10 million, or intentional and illegal behavior of student.

1.  學生因傷病住院七日以上或發生意外死亡。

Student has been hospitalized for injuries or illnesses for more than seven consecutive days or has died unexpectedly.

2.  學生父母或監護人失蹤達六個月以上、入獄服刑或非自願離職者。

Student’s parent or guardian has been missing for more than six months, serve in prison, or involuntary separation.

3.  學生本人或父母或監護人符合全民健保重大傷病標準者。

Student or his/her parent or guardian meets the standard of catastrophic illness of National Health Insurance.

4.   學生父母或監護人死亡。

Death of student or his/her parent or guardian.

5.  學生父母或監護人因特殊災害受傷並住院。

Student’s parent or guardian was injured and hospitalized due to special disasters.


Is there a deadline to apply?



Please apply to the school within three months from the date of the fact.


What supporting documents are required?



Application category


Supporting documents


Student has an accident or injury

1.       醫療診斷書正本(住院證明七日以上)

Diagnosis certificate( >7 days of hospitalization certificate)

2.       全戶戶籍謄本正本

Household Registration Transcript

3.       家庭(須包含父母或監護人與學生)最近一年所得清單及財產清單正本

Individual Income Tax list and property list in the latest year of family(must include parents and student)


Death of student

1.       死亡證明書正本或相驗屍體證明書正本

Death Certificate

2.       全戶戶籍謄本正本(包含除戶)

Household Registration Cancellation Transcript

3.       家庭(須包含父母或監護人與學生)最近一年所得清單及財產清單正本

Individual Income Tax list and property list in the latest year of family(must include parents and student)


Student meets the standard of catastrophic illness of NHI

1.       健保局重大傷病通知單

NHI diagnosis certificate of catastrophic illness.

2.       全戶戶籍謄本正本

Household Registration Transcript

3.       家庭(須包含父母或監護人與學生)最近一年所得清單及財產清單正本

Individual Income Tax list and property list in the latest year of family(must include parents and student)


Death of student’s parent

or guardian.

1.       死亡證明書正本或相驗屍體證明書正本

Death Certificate

2.       全戶戶籍謄本正本(包含除戶)

Household Registration Cancellation Transcript

3.       家庭(須包含父母或監護人與學生)最近一年所得清單及財產清單正本

Individual Income Tax list and property list in the latest year of family(must include parents and student)



Parents or guardians meet the standard of catastrophic illness of National Health Insurance.

1.       健保局重大傷病通知單               

NHI diagnosis certificate of catastrophic illness

2.       全戶戶籍謄本正本

Household Registration Transcript

3.       家庭(須包含父母或監護人與學生)最近一年所得清單及財產清單正本

Individual Income Tax list and property list in the latest year of family(must include parents and student)



Parents were hospitalized due to natural disasters (Non-car accidents and general injuries)

1.       醫療診斷書正本

Diagnosis certificate

2.       全戶戶籍謄本正本

Household Registration Transcript

3.       家庭(須包含父母或監護人與學生)最近一年所得清單及財產清單正本

Individual Income Tax list and property list in the latest year of family(must include parents and student)



Parents or guardians have been missing for more than six months, serve in prison, or involuntary separation.

1.       失蹤:3個月內之失蹤人口協尋紀錄

Missing: Searching record of missing persons within 3 months


Serve in prison: Certificate of Imprisonment


Involuntary separation: Receipts of Unemployment Verification and Benefits

2.       全戶戶籍謄本正本

Household Registration Transcript

3.       家庭(須包含父母或監護人與學生)最近一年所得清單及財產清單正本

Individual Income Tax list and property list in the latest year of family(must include parents and student)


The above documents must be the original, if it is a copy, it must be stamped with the guard of the issuing unit, which is regarded as the original.


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