- How are beds assigned to freshmen?
- Freshmen applicants are assigned to dormitories in the order of proximity to their residence which is based on the residential address before admission to the school. The university retains the right to allocate. The number of people in the dormitory rooms is distributed as follows: 6 people per room in Lih Hsing Boys’ Dormitory and 4 people per room in En Tzu Girls’ Dormitory and Lian Shan Girls’ Dormitory.
- If the applications from new graduate students do not exceed the capacity of the dormitory, all applicants will be allowed to live in the dormitory. If the capacity is exceeded, there will be a draw to determine bed assignment. 4 people share a room in Hsin Shih Dormitory and ReCheng Dormitory.
- What should freshmen do if they are not assigned beds?
- Freshmen who have not been assigned beds can fill out an online waitlist application on itouch. They will be notified when a bed is available, and they can move in after paying the accommodation fee.
- “Rental Service Information” inquiry system provided by the Housing Section is available for getting rental information. (Link: https://house.nfu.edu.tw/CYCU)
- Is it mandatory for freshmen to live in the dormitory? How do I pay for the accommodation fee and check-in?
- There is no mandatory housing requirement for freshmen. If you need accommodation, please apply on itouch during the application period. If you do not need accommodation, please fill in the waiver form. The list of approved accommodation applicants will be posted on the home page of the school in the Administrative Bulletin after the school has reviewed the qualification of the applicants. If you have any concerns or need to revise your application, please contact each residence hall.
- The accommodation fee and air conditioning prepayments should be paid with the tuition fee and miscellaneous charge.
- The approved boarders shall move in the dormitory by the deadline. The room key can be claimed after returning “ Acknowledgement of Receipt” and “ Application Form for Entry/Exit During Access Control Hours”
- How are beds assigned to sophomore or above (master/PhD students are included)?
The Housing Section announces the application requirements in early March each year. Students should submit their applications according to the requirements by the deadline. Beds arrangement is conducted by computerized draw. 4 people share a room in Hsin Shih Dormitory and ReCheng Dormitory
- How do returnee students and transfer students apply for accommodation?
For returnee students and transfer students, please check out itouch and complete the online application by the deadline. Please feel free to contact 03-2652191 if you have any questions.
- Is there any priority order of eligible applicants in applying for accommodation?
- Students under the following conditions have the priority for accommodation: disabled students (a copy of the disability card should be attached), students from low-income and middle-low-income families (the certificate issued by the township, city, or district office of the current year should be attached).
- The priority order of accommodation for the rest of the students is under the Student Residence Management Regulations. The university retains the right to allocate.
- How long will my accommodation be after my accommodation application is approved? Can I apply to vacate during my accommodation?
- Boarders must live in the dormitory for one academic year according to the regulations (winter and summer dormitory accommodations are applied and paid separated). You may not request a refund during the first and second semesters.
- Freshmen who are unable to adapt to dormitory life during the dormitory accommodation adjustment period (within one month of the start of the new semester) should immediately apply to the dormitory supervisor for cancellation of the dormitory residence. After approval, 2/3 of the accommodation fee and the remaining air conditioning fee will be refunded under the “Refund Criteria for University Students”.
- If a boarder moves out of the dormitory during the semester or violates the rules of the dormitory. He/ she will be ordered to leave the dormitory, punished according to school regulations, and will not be allowed to apply for a refund or reapply for accommodation.
- How should boarders apply for not staying in the dormitory?
The student shall apply for overnight stay before leaving the dormitory. Pre-registration is available online and can be done up to 15 days before your overnight stay. The days of overnight stay shall not exceed 7 consecutive days.
- How to apply for accommodation in the duration of summer/winter vacation?
The Residential Services Section announces the application requirements for winter and summer dormitory accommodation in the middle of each semester. Students are required to submit applications and complete payment according to the relevant regulations. Applications for winter and summer dormitory accommodation are only opened to boarders of the current semester and the next semester.
- What kind of bedding and equipment are available in the bedrooms?
The rooms are equipped with bed frames (mattresses should be prepared by yourself), closets, desks, bookshelves, cabinets, lamps, air conditioner, and dormitory internet access (a network cable is required).
- What is the recommended size of the mattress? Where can I purchase one?
Mattress size for each dormitory:
Li Hsing Hall: 90CM*200CM
En Tzu Hall: 85CM*190CM
Lian Shan Hall: 90CM*180CM
Hsin Shih Hall: 96CM*196CM
Re Cheng Hall: 94.8CM*197.5CM
- What are the rules for bringing home appliances?
- Allowed house appliances: Computer and hair dryer.
- In order to maintain the safety of dormitory, each bedroom is forbidden from using electrical appliances against rules (e.g. instant pot, electric cooker, oven, electric water heater, electric heater (electric blanket), iron, dehumidifier, refrigerator, electric fan).
- What facilities are provided in the public areas of the dormitory?
- A lounge with tables, chairs and TVs is available in the dormitory, providing a comfortable and spacious space.
- Coin-operated beverage machines, RO reverse osmosis water dispensers, coin-operated washing, stripping and drying machines, laundry drying areas and electronic bulletin boards are set up in the dormitory.
- What is the time of providing hot water in dormitory?
All dormitories use a heat pump remote control system to supply hot water 24 hours a day, except for Hsin Shih dormitory, which uses electric water heaters.
- How do I apply for dormitory facility maintenance?
Boarders shall fill in the repairs and maintenance form in duty room. After applying, the General Affairs Office will send specialists to evaluate, quote, and repair the unusable item.
- How is the air conditioning fee charged and refunded?
- Based on the user-pay principle, dormitory air conditioning fee is prepaid and settled at the end of the semester. Any excess fee will be refunded to the student’s bank account.
- In order to comply with school’s payroll transfer policy, the dormitory-related refund will be issued to students’ bank account. Please provide the personal bank account of Chunghwa Post /Mega International Commercial Bank. The refund will not be issued by manual work.
- Is the dormitory open to visitors?
- Visitors shall apply for access to the dormitory with the Duty Room on the ground of their valid ID. Girl’s dormitory are limited to female visitors and boy’s dormitory are limited to male visitors.
- Visiting Time: 9:00A.M.~12:00P.M.、13:30A.M.~21:00P.M.
- Where can I find information about the dormitory?
The latest news and important information will be posted at school website, the fan page of each dormitory and the bulletin in dormitories. The information is related to the boarders, please always keep an eye on the information.
- Will the dormitory implement access control?
- In order to strengthen the dormitory’s safety management and maintenance, all boarders shall access the dormitory with access control card.
- Students should apply for the Entry/Exit during access control hours. After applying, students shall access the dormitory with access control card in accord with the regulation of CYCU Dormitory Management.
- Do I need to bring all my personal belongings back home during summer/winter vacation?
- During winter vacation: Please take your valuables and personal luggage home. The school only provides space for large bedding.
- During summer vacation: All rooms should be emptied. The dormitory will provide warehouses for the boarders next school year to put their belongings. However, the school is not responsible for any loss or missing property. Please take your valuables back home or send them elsewhere.
- How to maintain good life quality in the dormitory?
In order to maintain the living quality, the boarders shall be responsible for the cleaning in dormitory. The dormitory has rules, and the access to dorm internet will be disconnected from 02:00~05:00, provided that the school’s internet will operate normally. Boarders should comply with the regulation to maintain well living quality.
- Will violation of dormitory regulation affect my accommodation right?
- The school set up “CYCU Dormitory Management”. Boarders should be familiar with all related regulations and sign up for the acknowledgment when checking in the dormitory to finish the check-in procedure.
- Boarders who violate the relevant regulations will be punished by service and deduction of points according to the severity of the case. Boarders will not be allowed to live in the dorm if the case is serious.
- Do I have to clean the dormitory by myself?
In order to maintain a tidy environment and cultivate the spirit of manual training, the boarders not only need to tidy up their own rooms on their own, but also need to take turns to clean the public areas in order to maintain a comfortable learning and living environment.
- What is the address for me to send mails and packages? Where can I receive my mails and packages?
- Mails and packages should be marked with “dormitory name, room number and bed number”. Please bring your student ID card when claiming your items. The dormitory does not handle returned mail and packages.
- General mail: General mail is placed in the mailbox in the dormitory and can be picked up by yourself.
- Registered mail: Please inquire at the mail room or check the dormitory bulletin board. (All registered mail for non-resident students and students who have not applied for residence during the winter/summer vacation will be returned to the original address)
- Packages: The duty room of each dormitory receives packages on behalf of the students, but packages that require payment and refrigeration (freezing) will not be received on behalf of the students.
- Address:
Li Hsing Hall: No. 291, Xinzhong N. Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320071, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
En Tzu Hall & Lian Shan Hall: No. 200, Zhongbei Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320314, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Hsin Shih Hall: No. 210, Puzhong Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320071, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Re Cheng Boy’s Hall: No. 206, Puzhong Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320071, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Re Cheng Girl’s Hall: No. 202, Puzhong Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320071, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Whom can I contact for help with accommodation-related questions?
- There is a supervisor in the dormitory who is responsible for the living guidance of the boarders.
- Li Hsing Hall:
03-2658104、8105 Tel No. of Supervisor
03-2658100 Tel No. of duty room
- En Tzu Hall:
03-2658403、8404 Tel No. of Supervisor
03-2658400 Tel No. of duty room
- Lian Shan Hall:
03-2657403 Tel No. of Supervisor
03-2657400 Tel No. of duty room
- Hsin Shih Girl’s Hall:
03-2657601 Tel No. of Supervisor
03-2657600 Tel No. of duty room
- Hsin Shih Boy’s Hall:
03-2657606 Tel No. of Supervisor
03-2657700 Tel No. of duty room
- Re Cheng Boy’s Hall:
03-2658803、8804 Tel No. of Supervisor
03-2658800 Tel No. of duty room
- Re Cheng Girl’s Hall:
03-2658703 Tel No. of Supervisor
03-2658700 Tel No. of duty room
- 最短租期:住宅租賃之租賃期間至少要有30日以上。
- 調整租金:租賃期間內房東不得藉任何理由要求「調漲」租金;但若房東願意「調降」租金,則不受限制。
- 押金之用途:
- 押金之上限:
- 房客:房客應於簽訂租賃契約之同時,支付押金給房東。
- 房東:租賃期滿或租賃契約終止,如果房客沒有欠費、毀損或其他違約情形,房東就應該在房客交還房屋時,將押金無息返還給房客。
- 電費收取方式:
- 電費上限:
- 原則 (房東修繕) :
- 租賃雙方沒有特別約定時。
- 損壞係因自然耗損或正常使用所致。
- 例外(房客修繕):
- 原則(不得轉租):未經房東同意,房客不得將房屋之「全部 」或「一部」轉租給其他人。
- 例外(可以轉租):須經房東同意,房客才可以將房屋之「全部」或「一部」轉租給其他人。
- 民法規定,房東應負擔房屋的一切稅捐。
- 「住宅租賃定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」亦規定房屋稅或地價稅由房東負擔。
- 所以,房東不得在租賃契約書內將其應負擔的房屋稅或地價稅轉嫁由房客負擔。
- 個人只要有所得就應該要繳納所得稅,房東亦不得為逃漏所得稅之行為。
- 「住宅租賃定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」中已明訂,房東不得禁止房客於申報所得稅時申報租賃費用支出。
- 「住宅租賃定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」中已明訂,房東不得禁止房客遷入戶籍。
- 房東若不願意配合者,房客可以檢附租賃契約書,請戶政事務所查明居住事實後,辦理遷入手續。
- 申請租金補貼是房客的權利,「無須」事先取得房東同意。
- 房客若遇到房東刻意刁難或以「調漲租金」或「提前終止租約」等不當手段,限制或阻止申請租金補貼,可向各直轄市、縣(市)政府地政局(處)或消保官提出申訴或檢舉。
提前通知 | 事由 |
3個月前通知 | 為重新建築而必要收回。 |
30天前通知 | 1. 房客積欠租金或費用總額達2個月之租金額。 2. 房客擅自將房屋變更為非居住使用。 3. 房客未經同意,將房屋轉租他人。 4. 房客故意毀損房屋或設備,不為修繕或賠償。 5. 房客未經同意或未依法令規定,進行室內裝修。 |
毋須提前通知 | 1. 違法使用房屋、存放爆炸性或易燃性物品。 2. 進行室內裝修損害建築結構安全。 |
提前通知 | 事由 |
30天前通知 | 1. 房屋有修繕之必要,房東遲未修繕。 2. 非房客所造成之房屋滅失。 3. 房客因為疾病、意外,而有長期療養之需要。 4. 第三人就房屋主張權利。 |
毋須提前通知 | 房屋有危及房客(或其同住者)安全或健康之瑕疵。 |
可以提前終止租約 | 至少於1個月前通知他方 |
未為通知,賠償最高1個月租金額之違約金 | |
不得提前終止租約 | 若仍有提前終止租約之必要則由雙方自行協議違約金數額 |
(新版) 住宅租賃契約書 | 封面名稱 | 封面名稱為「住宅租賃契約書」 |
公告文號 | 有印製內政部109年公告文號 |
糾紛處理 | 校外 | (1950)消費者服務專線 |
消保官申訴 | ||
校內 | 向地政局(處)或向學務處或相關單位請求協助 |